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1/27/2022 - Intellectual Property & the Creative Client
New Hampshire’s creative economy generates over $115 million in economic activity annually. Given these numbers, it is important for those generating this economic activity to protect their livelihoods. This CLE offers a brief introduction to intellectual property with practical legal advice for general practitioners when you have a creative client.
If you purchase a Live Webcast and miss all or part of it on the day it is scheduled, you will receive an email the next week letting you know that it’s available as an archived copy. At that point, it will be available to you to view for 90 days from the date of purchase. ALL CREDIT MINUTES FOR NHBA CLE PROGRAMS WILL BE REPORTED TO THE NHMCLE ART SYSTEM FOR YOU TYPICALLY WITHIN TWO BUSINESS DAYS.
Materials: Materials for Online seminars, CLEtoGo seminars and Live Webcasts come in pdf format after purchase for you to download and save/print. They will be available in your online account through this catalog.
90 NHMCLE Minutes
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