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4/12/2024 - Evidence: Hitting all the Right Notes to Win Your Case
Like a concert pianist who knows what every key is for, a litigator must be equally knowledgeable of the role his or her exhibits, documents, and witnesses will play. For the practitioner in the New Hampshire State Courts and in the Federal Court, this seminar will give all you legal maestros a sound knowledge to successfully prove your case. It's not enough to have the truth on your side (though it helps). You have to learn how to gather the right information and present it in a way that brings beautiful music to the ears of a jury or judge. The seminar includes:
Evidentiary Issues with E-Discovery
Practical Evidence in Superior Court
Practical Evidence in District Court
Presenting Evidence in the Federal System
and much more!
Who Should Attend this Program? Criminal and Civil Practitioners, and State and Federal attorneys, will benefit from this seminar. ALL CREDIT MINUTES FOR NHBA CLE PROGRAMS WILL BE REPORTED TO THE NHMCLE ART SYSTEM FOR YOU TYPICALLY WITHIN TWO BUSINESS DAYS OF PRINTING THE PROGRAM CERTIFICATE.
Materials: Materials for In-Person Seminars, Online seminars, CLEtoGo seminars and Live Webcasts will come in pdf format closer to the program for you to download and save/print. They will be available in your online account through this catalog.