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10/31/2022 - 21st Annual Labor & Employment Law Update
These materials address cutting edge developments in employment law over the past year focusing on recent agency and court decisions, new laws, and COVID’s impact on the workplace, benefit programs, and how we litigate. This year’s handbook also addresses the latest developments in the law, including trends and developments which may have quietly gone under the radar, that confront workplaces as we emerge from the pandemic and the new administration has been working for two years on new agendas with new appointments. Further, the materials address trends, legislation, regulations and cases on the horizon including key recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions impacting the workplace, as well as human rights decisions relating to diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. All authors have extensive practical and teaching experience in the labor, employment and benefits law fields and are members of the New Hampshire Bar. These materials are designed as an update for attorneys with knowledge of labor, employment and benefits law. It addresses recent updates in the law over the prior year.
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